This September SIC with support of Nordplus Adult program started new project in social entrepreneurship area – “Boosting key mindset elements for successful social business development”, which is to be implemented together with partners from Lithuania and Sweden.

Kick-off meeting was held on 26 September in Riga. During the meeting partners were also introduced to crowdfunding paltfotm, which was launched this september. They also took part in the Forum “Social business incubation for youth and innovative solutions of fundraising” about social business and funding opportunities, particularly about crowdfunding.

Main aim of the project is to research existing situation of mind-set and competencies and develop new educational module to stimulate development of not well served personal key competencies of social entrepreneur: stimulate the sense of initiative, leadership and engagement within societal and economical processes.

Objectives of the project and planned activites:

  • Identification of mindset for successful social entrepreneur through online questionaire and study
  • Develop info-graphic of key competencies
  • Create study based description of extensive educational module
  • Organize 1 training for practical approbation
  • Create online course, published in Social Entrepreneurship Support Network of the Baltic Sea Region
  • Organize 1 conference and 2 dissemination events

Project duration: 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2019

Project partners:

  • Social innovation centre (Latvia)
  • Nordic Association for Social Innovation (Sweden)
  • Skudutiskis academy (Lithuania)



This publication is part of the project “Boosting key mindset elements for successful social business development”, co-financed by Nordplus programm “Nordplus Adult”, project identification number NPAD-2017/10203.