Models of Impact
Choosing and developing a business model for your social enterprise is not always [...]
Choosing and developing a business model for your social enterprise is not always [...]
Want to learn how to develop skills in impact assessment or writing a [...]
WORTH aims to create cross-border and cross-discipline collaborations between designers, crafters, SME manufacturers, [...]
The Social Enterprise World Forum 2018 was held in Edinburgh 12-14. September. Social [...]
Sugalvoti, kaip užsidirbti pinigų – jau nieko nestebina, tačiau sugalvoti, kaip spręsti socialinę [...]
Parmu Ecovillage is a non-profit organization which unites the community with the goal of becoming [...]
Recent exploration on worldwide known educational platform Coursera has lead to discovery of [...]
National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS) is a state financed civil society fund [...]
BDA Consulting OÜ ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus on koostanud abimaterjali ettevõtlusega alustajale - [...]
Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskus RAKE on koostanud sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi uuringu (2017). [...]