
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Monthly Archives: August 2021


Entrepreneurs — here’s how you can improve your funding outcomes

"Cambridge Judge Business School has collaborated with Esme Learning to launch executive education [...]

Not a Lack of Funding

Lessons Learned from Alternative Finance Experts – A View from Spain Culture is an extremely complex concept to define. It is generally referred to as the set of tangible and intangible material assets of a social group inherited across generations in order to guide individual and collective practices. Cultural changes, the mindset of societies and the shift in thinking can usually take decades or even centuries or millennia. Changes take place gradually, so they are difficult to perceive on a day-to-day basis. […]

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The UK Social Enterprise Awards 2021 Shortlist Announced!

The UK Social Enterprise Awards recognize the nation’s leading social enterprises shining a [...]

Too Good To Go app with great social impact!

From now on, all the hungry, who are not indifferent to the fate [...]

Policy paper: “Co-designing the Action Plan for the Social Economy: for an economy that works for people and the planet.”

Social Economy Europe is a platform representing the voices of  2.8 million social economy [...]

WEBINAR | Competition in the Baltics – what to know in 2021? Before setting your business

WEBINAR | Competition in the Baltics - what to know in 2021? Before [...]

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Social entrepreneurship in Estonia: focus on helping people and promoting creative recycling

Associate professor Mari Kooskora, head of EBS’s Business Ethics Centre, represented the university [...]

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EU Youth Guarantee supporting unemployed youth!

What is the reinforced Youth Guarantee? The reinforced Youth Guarantee is a commitment [...]

EU will present new Social Economy Action Plan by the end of 2021!

The President of the Commission mandated the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, [...]