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Monthly Archives: March 2020


Pomorskie region Social Economy entities map

Baltic Institute for Regional Affairs from Gdynia, Poland encourages you to use the [...]

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Green Care -based wellbeing services and impact? How to.

Natural Resource Center in Finland has published learning materials and a workbook about [...]

Di you try Flock as alternative to Slack while collaborating with your peers online?

Flock is a communication-focused Slack alternative Easy to use interface Neat productivity tools [...]

Mother opens bakery to help son and others with special needs find employment

A common concern for parents of children with disabilities is what will happen [...]

Local entrepreneurship ecosystems and emerging industries: Case study of Pomorskie, Poland

We highly recommend the latest article from the OECD with the case study [...]

President of Latvia supports social entrepreneurship

President of Latvia Egils Levits has noted that: "From the point of view [...]

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