
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Monthly Archives: July 2019


Another inspiration on social innovation!

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project [...]

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Meet the Social Innovation Community!

Meet the Social Innovation Community! This content is delivered to you in the [...]

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Social innovation: when business becomes a force for good

https://youtu.be/unpqa11EemU This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 [...]

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Find inspiration and become plastic positive!

Become plastic positive Read about Empower - company creating a global solution to [...]

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How Buying Social Is Changing The World?

How Buying Social Is Changing The World - Great feature in @Forbes  by Judith Magyar. [...]

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Alla pratar om det, men få gör det

Om Mötesplats Social Innovation Mötesplats Social Innovation är den samlande nationella kunskapsnoden för [...]

Socialinio verslo gairės

Gyventojų mažėjimas Lietuvojos provincijoje ir retai apgyvendintų teritorijų plitimas pastaruosius dešimtmečius tampa nauju [...]

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Impact StartUp in the Nordic countries

Den Sociale Kapitalfond (DSK)  is a large danish social impact investment fund. DSK [...]

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