Natural Resource Center in Finland has published learning materials and a workbook about modelling and measuring your wellbeing service’s impact. The materials are available in Finnish. The workbook is part of a wider impact program aimed to service providers who provide green care -based wellbeing services.

The materials state that impact modelling, measurement and communication is important, because the methods used in them can be used also in quality work and service development. Measuring impact helps service providers differentiate themselves from competitors, and impact-driven ways of describing services is the way to succeed in results-based contracting.
The workbook is designed so that service providers are able to use the tools directly into their own services. More learning is available through webinars  where Saila Tykkyläinen from Vaikuttava Yritys, an experienced impact trainer teaches how to use them.

Materials are part of Natural Resource Center in Finland project HyvinVoikoordinaatio 2018–2021 and is funded by EU.

Find the whole workbook here. Contents, topics, tools and tips of the workbook include:

  • Different levels of impact work
  • Mapping of stakeholders
  • Service impact communication planning
  • Defining the problem and designing the impact goals
  • Modelling impact
  • Setting measurement practices and planning for data gathering
  • Building an impact story.


Picture: Natural Resource Center of Finland