Arvoliitto – The association for social enterprises in Finland and Laatukeskus – Excellence Finland – The Finnish Association for Quality have started to develop a new impact management and quality system tailored for social enterprises and other impact organizations.

The new system and it’s tools will enhance also the social procurement practices of municipalities. The aim is that the public sector can make more impact -driven procurement in the future.

”There is a great need for impact management system”, says the CEO of Arvoliitto, Kimmo J. Lipponen.  “We need a system with which socially beneficial organizations’ impact can be assessed systematically.”

The future system will help socially beneficial organizations to assess their own operations and to develop it to be even more impactful.

”The plan is to create a 3-step assessment assessment model”, says Lipponen. The criteria will be developed also based on the learnings from Arvoliitto’s previous work in impact assessment projects. 4-6 pilot organizatios will be included in the development work from the start. The aim is to get the system ready for piloting during fall 2018 and spring 2019.

Laatukeskus – Excellence Finland CEO  Tani Järvinen is happy about the strategic cooperation with Arvoliitto. The system in development will be built upon the international EFQM leadership model with which Laatukeskus have been working with before.

More information:

Kimmo J. Lipponen, ARVO, p. +358 40 7587 247,

Tani Järvinen, Laatukeskus, p.+358 40 844 5767,

More information about the  EFQM-johtamismallista:

The original article (in Finnish)