Welcome to Social Entrepreneurship Support Network!
We would like to introduce you as a member of our database of stakeholders to the project that gathers social businesses and enthusiasts of the Baltic Sea region. This is a pilot newsletter to subscribe to and be always updated with information on social entrepreneurship and innovation! If you don’t want to receive following newsletters, scroll down and press “unsubscribe from this list”.
As social entrepreneurship development is an effective solution to modern challenges of communities around the world, regional cooperation within Baltic Sea region has been established by social entrepreneurship supporting organisations in 2014. Since then cooperation involves Baltic Sea region countries in development of proper adult education and larger awareness of social entrepreneurship impact, development of social entrepreneurship support network and overall support for social enterprises.
Therefore the first interactive and integrated learning and action platform was created as a part of “Social entrepreneurship development in Baltic Sea region” project and is run in partnership of social entrepreneurship and innovation supporters from Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Denmark, Iceland, Poland, Russia and Sweden.
Let’s see how you can use the platform!
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