Company Description
The Social Inclusion Center Piątkowo at the ETAP Association in Poznań deals with the social and professional activation of people who, for various reasons, have difficulties in finding themselves on the labor market.
Implementation of the Center program begins at the moment of signing by the Participant of the Individual Social Employment Program, referred to in brief as IPZS. Each participant joining the program selects the appropriate professional workshop, gets acquainted with the Center's training offer, and then signs the Individual Professional Development Program. During the stay at the Center, as part of the classes, each Participant has the opportunity to take a two-month course on computer use, where he acquires knowledge about, among others, basic programs that enable working with a computer, office programs, and Internet service.
Participation in the Center's program lasts about a year, sometimes it is extended by another 6 months. The stay in the Center is included in the period of employment – contributory period. Every month, each Participant receives an integration benefit in the amount of PLN 700 net, for 100% attendance on classes, calculated on the basis of monthly attendance lists. For each day of unexcused absence, the benefit is reduced, however it is allowed to use 3 absences in a month – above the benefits and non-employment benefits for a given month are not eligible. In the case of a sick leave (print L4), the benefit is also reduced – over 14 days it is treated as an unpaid absence not paid.
The Social Integration Center program is run for 6 hours a day from Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 13:30. On Mondays there are general education classes, which include: the basics of entrepreneurship, mainly affecting social cooperatives, methods of active job search, work ethics, integration activities, psychological workshops, motivational workshops and life planning sciences. The workshop classes are carried out under the instructor's supervision from Tuesdays to Fridays.
Our Center is focused mainly on practical learning of the profession, in order to prepare each Participant as best as possible to take up employment in the external market or to set up their own enterprise in the form of a social cooperative. As part of the program, each participant receives a warm meal in the form of a dinner, undergoes medical examinations, health and safety trainings, has access to didactic materials and work clothes. In addition, everyone at CIS will find support from a psychologist, career counselor, social worker and lawyer.
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