Company Description
Non-for-profit service provider in the field of employment
Incita, founded in 1966 as part of the Municipality of Copenhagen. In 2005 etablished as an independent foundation. Incitas main objective is to help unemployed into or closer to labour markedet. Incita is operating on market conditions
We provide professional and flexible employment services to people experiencing mental illness, disability or accommodation difficulties. Our aim is to improve an individual’s quality of life by encouraging employment, active participation and social inclusion. As an employment service provider, Incita collaborate with 20 municipalities around Denmark.
Incita also owns and runs a number of small businesses and social enterprises. Some of these businesses operate in collaboration with local, public employment initiatives, others independently. These businesses provide supported employment to people with disabilities. They also meet strict service standards to ensure a real employment outcome for the employee, including fair wage and working conditions:
*FLKS – packing and assembling: Small business units around Denmark providing services for private enterprises. Employees: mix of people employed on regular working conditions, employees with disabilities and supported employment
*Café and Catering – Providing food and beverages, inhouse and catering. Employees: mix of people employed on regular working conditions, employees with disabilities and supported employment
Incita in numbers: 110 employees, Annual Turnover USD 10 mio., 5 centers around DK, RSV (Registered Social Enterprise)
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