Company Description
We are an innovative, professional social enterprise that helps marginalized young men in the ages 16-35 take responsibility for their own, others and the society’s’ development. This could mean completing an education, getting a job or starting their own company together with Comeback Industries.
We are not made of desktop ideas and good intentions. Comeback was created by an ideologist and has been further developed by professionals and the users themselves. We are educated to handle the tasks at hand, and we know the environment from the inside.
Comeback Program+Industries are among some of the first officially registered social enterprises in Denmark. This gives our collaborators a security in knowing that we live up the requirements and rules that are set by the Danish Business Authority.
We perceive ourselves as social innovators. We help young men with their problems, solving a societal problem and create new business opportunities.
Some of us grew up in the streets. This means that we know what life is like for our young men, and know the challenges and obstacles they face.
We collaborate with a long list of municipalities surrounding Copenhagen and receive support from Bikuben Foundation.
Comeback Program+Industries has 18 employees and 45 participants.
During the past five years 40% of our participants have succeeded in getting a job, finishing an education or have started up their own business.
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