
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


social impact

/Tag:social impact

Raising Venture Capital With Impact – Webinar Series in Feb-Mar

The EIB Institute is hosting a series of five webinars on “Raising venture [...]

Bringing Artificial Intelligence to schools through entrepreneurship

Junior Achievement (JA) Europe is the largest non-profit in Europe dedicated to preparing young [...]

Linking Social Impact with Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competence Building

There are different understandings of social impact, which covers “a common good”, “common [...]

By |Blog, Learn, Youth|0 Comments

Social Impact Investment – Best Practices and Recommendations for the Next Generation

We recommend to read and learn from this study prepared for the Committee on [...]

Entrepreneurship Training and Mentoring Circle for Women

Entrepreneurship Training and Mentoring Circle for Women (ETMCW) is a concept delivered by [...]

INDIGISE project – adjusting to and supporting youth on socialenterprisebsr.net

The lack of visibility, specialized training, support network and infrastructure, as well as [...]

By |Blog, Youth|29 Comments

GARAGE48 – From an idea to a prototype successful entrepreneur in 48 hours!

Are the following Estonian entrepreneurs behind successful startups known to you? Taxify, Pipedrive, Fortumo, Weekdone [...]

Find inspiration and become plastic positive!

Become plastic positive Read about Empower - company creating a global solution to [...]

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Parmu Ecovillage – a nature-friendly community

Parmu Ecovillage is a non-profit organization which unites the community with the goal of becoming [...]

Helping social ventures scale their impact

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project [...]