Company Description
NEGOTIATOR Social Cooperative from Liksajny in Warmia and Masuria region, Poland conducts activities related to the promotion of employment and professional activation of unemployed people by organizing employment, encouraging them to take up a job. The Social Cooperative “NEGOCJATOR” carries out free activities for local communities through the organization of the following initiatives promoting the ideas of the social economy.
Herbs and herbal mixtures and products under the brand Mazurskie Słoiki are part of the campaign conducted by the “Negotiator” social cooperative aimed at increasing the sale of finished products, prepared on the basis of raw, local materials from Warmia and Mazury. NEGOCJATOR offers high-quality local products such as jam, juices and syrups produced in a traditional way. Besides, the cooperative launched a Pump Room Herbs at the Ostróda Castle and in Olsztynek.
The certificate was granted for their services:
1) Pump Room of Herbs and Herbal Blends as a gastronomic establishment promoting regional natural resources;
2) Preserves under the Mazurskie Słoiki brand as products manufactured in Warmia and Mazury.
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