Company Description
Liepaja Society of the Blind was founded in 1956 to consolidate people who have visual impairments, to provide social rehabilitation, cultural activities and working places. After dissolution of the Soviet Union work of Liepaja Society of the Blind was stopped, but in 1999 it was launched again practically from nothing.
Mission of Liepaja Society of the Blind (LSB) – to work and to serve people with disabilities, taking care of their spiritual and worldly needs, to promote participation of the disabled people in order for everybody to have chance of being involved, belonging and useful.
Liepaja Society of the Blind is an organization determined to help changing the lives of visually impaired and blind people as well as people with other disabilities. We believe that people with serious health problems not only want to but also can have an active social life and be involved in various activities.
Our goal is to offer them support and help to create equal opportunities for learning, working, recreation and doing sports.
Liepaja Society of the Blind provides social rehabilitation services, defense of their interests and life quality improvement for visually impaired people who are living in Liepaja and Kuldiga towns and their districts. We offer our help not only for visually impaired people but also for people with other disabilities giving them opportunity to socialize, to grow and develop their skills helping them to succeed in living independently. After undergoing social rehabilitation program, they explore their inner self once more having refreshed their interests, and learned a lot of things necessary to become productive, social active and equal member of society. We offer the following activities to disabled people: computing courses (also using Braille row); Braille course; house keeping course; macramé; basket- work. We organize excursions; attend cultural events; provide the members with free transportation if they can’t come by themselves to the Day Centre. We also inspect the disabled on location to identify their needs. There is also rehabilitation centre Life School near The Day Centre where people can stay for 24 hours during the rehabilitation course.
The organization coordinates the net of 16 non-governmental organizations representing disabled people of Liepaja region with a goal to inform each other about each organization's activities, to provide the necessary information, to provide premises and transportation for events hosted by other organizations. There are about 3000 people in Liepaja, more than 5000 in its district, but about 10 000 disabled people in Kurzeme region. Liepaja Society of the Blind is the main impulsive force for disabled people NGOs.
Liepaja Society of the Blind is project orientated organization. We have extensive experience in project management.
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