Company Description
MTÜ Inimeselt Inimesele is a non-profit organization which activities are aimed at people with disabilities and their families that need support and consulting. Specialists of the NGO are specialized in children and adult clients who has developmental/ cognitive and multiple disability and their families, the guardians and professionals.
One of the main focuses of the NGO is to develop its skills and knowledge in the alternative communication area ( different AAC methods) and to provide consulting all over Estonia in cooperation with Päevakeskus Käo, which is the leading practice center in that area. There is a strong practical base for using theoretical knowledge in everyday life. Päevakeskus Käo is is a strong social partner for the NGO that operates as a day care and rehabilitation center in Tallinn.
The main tasks of the MTÜ Inimeselt Inimesele are:
to create conditions for the children with special educational needs for students of compulsory education age – Käo Põhikool;
development of the area of alternative communication (technical communication aid, guidance etc.);
recommendation and adaptation of the technical communication aids (tools) for people with disabilities;
training courses and consultations for the professionals and staff who is working with people with disabilities;
rehabilitation services;
welfare services (child care);
local and international project work.
Specialists/ professionals from the MTÜ Inimeselt Inimesele and in coopration with Päevakeskus Käo are always interested in new projects as being a competence centre in a field of developmental/ cognitive disabilities. There is a great interest in projects that are giving us an opportunity to promote the personal development of our clients.
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