
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

BOOK | Social Innovation: Comparative perspectives

Social innovation is a topic that is more and more being discussed on both national and European levels (hence, the announcement of this being a strategic priority EU wide). To better be able to provide [...]

GUIDEBOOK | Social business roadmap

The Social Business Roadmap has the aim to support young people in creating a social enterprise in 10 simple steps. It is an entrepreneurial guide tool for helping young people to make their first step [...]

ONLINE COURSES | HP Life online skills-training program

HP LIFE is a free, skills-training program for entrepreneurs, business owners, and lifelong learners all over the world. These free online training courses are designed to help entrepreneurs learn what they need to know to establish and [...]

IMPACT MANAGEMENT TOOLBOX | For the organisations working with the youth

This toolbox helps organizations and organizers to plan, implement and communicate the positive changes that they aim to create with their initiative or organisation in the lives of young people. It has been designed to help to  do, measure, [...]

GUIDELINES | Social impact communication in youth organisations and youth social enterprises

Within the project BALTIC: YOUTH: IMPACT, the Latvian Social Entrepreneurship Association together with the Baltic partners has developed Social Impact Communication Guidelines. The goal of social impact communication is to increase and scale the positive social and [...]