
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Collaboration tools

/Collaboration tools

European social entrepreneur and ESE – Operational course for social innovation

The European Social Entrepreneur -ESE project coordinated by CO-LABORY During its implementation, project's participants produced a high-quality materials and provided the best possible education for trainers, staff of participating organizations, and young people in disadvantaged [...]

WEBINAR | Place-based Social Innovation Through Living Labs

Within promising community innovation practices targeting successful adoptions within communities, Living Labs are generating more and more buzz and yet there is confusion about what they are; when to use them; and what they can [...]

Systems innovation

Systems innovation (SI) is an eLearning and collaborative platform that empowers users to do systems level innovation. The portal provides users with a large range of tools and bring them together to so they can [...]

Ownership and equity in business is a crucial question for social enterprises. Cake, supporting businesses.

Again a promising start-up supporting businesses. Ownership and equity in business is a crucial question for start-ups and social enterprises, too. Cake. is also a start-up that makes equity easy for you. They offer template [...]

WEBINAR / Fashion’s huge waste problem – and what we can do about it

Every week at Welcome Change, Ashoka talks to the world’s social entrepreneurs about what works, and what’s next. Here they present a conversation with Ashoka Fellow Jessica Schreiber, co-founder of FABSCRAP. The fashion industry (and what we all [...]

Too Good To Go app with great social impact!

From now on, all the hungry, who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet, can fight against wasting and throwing away food - the Too Good To Go application is now available in [...]