
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Successful Business Models

//Successful Business Models

3 business model options for an impact start-up, explained

You have an idea for an impact business, but don't quite know how [...]

Successful business models in Latvia: “SIA Typical”

"SIA Typical" was founded by two postcard writing enthusiasts who believe that human [...]

Urvaste Village Society – a promoter of traditional food in Estonia

Urvaste Village Society is a NGO located in a small village in South [...]

Reverse Lavka – a local food supplier in Estonia

The goal of the social enterprise Reverse Lavka is to provide Estonian farmers [...]

TravAble- the travel companion for the physically impaired

Ósk Sigurdóttir, a occupational therapist and her founding partner Hannes Pétursson had the [...]

Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach

Polecamy apoznanie się z artykułem Małgorzaty Kurleto "Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu [...]

Models of Impact

Choosing and developing a business model for your social enterprise is not always [...]

Parmu Ecovillage – a nature-friendly community

Parmu Ecovillage is a non-profit organization which unites the community with the goal of becoming [...]

9 Social Enterprise Business Models

Change Creator™ has identified 9 working social enterprise business models that bring value [...]

The Pakistani ‘hyper-entrepreneur’ who started 10 companies in Sweden

Meet Naimul Abd, the self-titled ‘hyper-entrepreneur' who has gone into hyperdrive since moving [...]